New ABA Members
New Associate Member - Mark Richardson, The Plantagenet King

I have been buying rare books and in particular modern first editions for many years now as a collector and in the past 3 or 4 years also as a dealer. Through my trading name The Plantagenet King (as there is another Mark Richardson knocking about that sells rare books!) I have been attending fairs for a couple of years. It has been a lot of fun meeting and talking to fellow booksellers and collectors, gaining an insight into their knowledge and interests. I am into modern first editions mainly and send out a monthly mailing list for new arrivals. The Plantagenet King is based in Ramsgate in Kent at The Marlowe Innovation Centre and my contact details are below if anyone would like to get in contact with me.
New Full Member - Henry Gott, Blackwell's

Henry has been the moderns specialist at Blackwell’s Rare Books for seven years – prior to which he was conducting an experiment to see how long he could stay in academia without becoming ‘an academic’; he completed his PhD in English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick in 2010, with a thesis on T.S. Eliot and Flaubert that was subsequently published by Pickering & Chatto (now Routledge). Literary Modernism remains his only real area of expertise – a fact manifest in the annual Modernisms catalogue issued by Blackwell’s, but hopefully sufficiently concealed in most of his other activities.