ABA News
41st Annual Conference on Book Trade History
Books at Work: Books and Libraries for Professionals and Tradesmen since the fifteenth century.
This year's conference at Stationers' Hall on 24 & 25 November will focus on books for work and for other professions. Among themes to be addressed will be book-trade strategies aimed at particular professional groups and specialisations in genres of publications useful for work, as well as libraries of professionals, including doctors, lawyers, clergy, architects and heralds.

Books at Work: Books and Libraries for Professionals and Tradesmen since the fifteenth century.
This year's conference will focus on books for work and for other professions. Among themes to be addressed will be book-trade strategies aimed at particular professional groups and specialisations in genres of publications useful for work, as well as libraries of professionals, including doctors, lawyers, clergy, architects and heralds.
Dr Elizabethanne Boran - Librarian of the Edward Worth Library in Dr Steevens' Hospital, Dublin - Physicians & the Medical Book trade in Early Eighteenth-Century Dublin.
Dr Andrew T Nadell - Book Collector and Physician - Printing & the Work of Man: A collector in search of the history of professions - doctors and lawyers, popes and princes, artisans and tradesmen.
David Pearson - latterly Director of Culture, Heritage & Libraries for the City of London - Private Libraries for Professionals, 1600-1720.
Nigel Ramsay - Author and Expert on heraldry - The Heralds: Books of their own and books of the Office.
Renae Satterley - Librarian at Middle Temple Library - The College of Advocates in Doctors' Commons Library: Past & Present.
Matthew Walker - Architectural Historian and Lecturer in the History School of Queen Mary University of London - The History and Reception of John Evelyn's Translation of Roland Freart's Parallel of Ancient & Modern Architecture.
Ian Williams - Associate Professor at University College London - 'Out of which book students of the law learn their knowledge': Legal publishing in early-Stuart England.
Ruth Frendo, Archivist of the Stationers' Company, will lead a tour of the Stationers' Company Archive.
Visit to Lincoln's Inn Library.
Organised by Robin Myers, Michael Harries & Giles Mandelbrote in association with the ABA Educational Trust.
For further details and booking form email secretary@aba.org.uk