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Convenção entre os muito altos, e poderosos senhores Dona Maria Rainha de Portugal, e Victor Amadeo Rei de Sardenha, pela qual se estabelece huma reciproca igualdade a respeito de successões entre os seus respectivos vassallos, assinada em Lisboa pelos plenipotenciarios de huma, e outra corte em 11 de Setembro de M.DCC.LXXXVII e ratificada por ambas as magestades.


  • Publisher: Lisbon, Na Regia Officina Typografica, 1788.
Lisbon, Na Regia Officina Typografica, 1788.. FIRST EDITION. 4° (24 x 17.8 cm.), contemporary bronze and gold "Dutch" paper wrappers (a few slight nicks), text block edges sprinkled red. Woodcut Portuguese royal arms on title page. Fine to very fine condition. (1 blank l.), 17 pp. Text in Portuguese and French on facing pages. *** FIRST EDITION. [?] One of two editions (the other a folio of 11 pp.), issued the same year by the same press, no priority established. *** This edition not in Imprensa Nacional; cf. 390 for the folio edition of 11 pp. Innocêncio VII, 386-7 (without indication of format or collation). This edition not located in Porbase, which cites six copies of the 11 pp. edition at the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. No edition located in Jisc. KVK (51 databases searched) locates only the copies of the 11 pp. edition cited by Porbase. Not located in ICCU.

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